8-Bit (also know as Pixel )Art involves purely squares. This is widely seen in Minecraft. Most of the players do this in-game, but it can be also be easily made with Photoshop. With the help of grids, you can easily make one like this
Steps in making a Simple 8-Bit Art in Photoshop
First, you need to setup your grids. To do this, go to
To adjust the grid sizes, styles and colors, go to
Edit>Preferences>Guides, Grid, Slices and Count. You can either use lines, dashed lines etc. for the lines in your grid. You can also pick a desired color for the grid. You can also use the snap option for easy management of the shapes. To enable Snap to Grid, first go to
View>Snap and enable it. then check
View>Snap To> Grid.
Now that your grids are set, it's time to create squares.
First, I created the outline of the art. Using Shape Tool, I created squares and rectangles along the grid. Take note you can use CTRL to further add shapes in the same layer.
Next is I made another shape layer for the skin.
Then I added some detail.
For further detail, I added some depth, which is darker with its base color. And this is what I came up with.