In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how I made this art! I'll give you a step-by-step guide on how to make a vector art using Photoshop. I assume you already have prior knowledge on using the software.
Steps to make a Vector Art Tutorial in Photoshop
STEP 1: Trace the hair and fill it with black. This will serve as the base color of the hair.
STEP 2: Trace the strands outside the base. Use Stroke Path in this part. Don't forget to check simulate pressure. Note also that you will need to adjust your brush's size to vary the strands' sizes.
STEP 3: Draw the strands of the brightest hair color. Again, you'll use Stroke Path for this one. Fill it with the corresponding color (We'll adjust the color of the hair in the latter part of this tutorial).
STEP 4: Draw the strands of the next brightest hair color. In this part, you can draw more strands.
STEP 5: Draw the 3rd brightest color.
STEP 6: Draw the 4th brightest color.
STEP 7: Draw the 5th brightest color.
Making all the traced strands visible will end up like this one.
STEP 8: Create an adjustment layer (Layer>New Adjustment Layer). This is to ensure that the hair's color will match the with the original image's. In this case, I used Gradient Map. This is to control which part the hair is brown. (Use its layer mask). If you want to change the whole color, you can use Hue/Saturation and check Colorize. Don't forget to link the adjustment layer to the hair layer so that the adjustments will only be applied on the hair (To link a layer to another layer, hold ALT button, then set your cursor between the layers, when the padlock icon displays, click the line between the layers. An arrow will appear on the linked layer if linking is successful).
STEP 9: Draw the eyebrows, same as how you drew the hair strands. Use a smaller brush size for this one.
STEP 10: Trace the skin, lips and the teeth. Do the same tracing procedure as what you did in step 1. Fill it with the corresponding color.
STEP 11: Posterize the image (Image> Adjustments> Posterize). The value depends on the image. You just have to take note that you should have 5-6 shades when you posterize the image. This shades will serve as your guide on what to trace. A higher number of shades would do also, that is, if you're patient enough to trace them all. I recommend 5-6 shades.
STEP 12: Trace the brightest skin color. Fill it with the same color as the base. To adjust its shade, apply a Brightness/Contrast Adjustment layer to the one you just traced. Then its brightness around 4-6.
STEP 13: Trace the 2nd brightest shade. Then apply the adjustment layer. (Value should be lower by 2 compared to the previous layer)
STEP 14: Trace the 3rd brightest shade. Then apply the adjustment layer.(Value should be lower by 2 compared to the previous layer)
STEP 15: Trace the 4th brightest shade. Then apply the adjustment layer.(Value should be lower by 2 compared to the previous layer)
STEP 16: Trace the 5th brightest shade. Then apply the adjustment layer.(Value should be lower by 2 compared to the previous layer)
STEP 17: Trace the 6th brightest shade. Then apply the adjustment layer.(Value should be lower by 2 compared to the previous layer)
STEP 18: Trace the other details in the face. Then apply the adjustment layer.(Value should be lower by 2 compared to the previous layer)
After tracing all the shades in the skin, you should have a result like this.
STEP 19: Trace the lips' details. Perform the same process you did on the skin. The shades in the posterized image will be your guide again on what to trace. Then apply the Brightness/Contrast Adjustment layer with the brightness value decrementing as we go deeper.
STEP 20: Trace the teeth's details. Again, use the shades as your guide. Then apply the adjustment layer.
STEP 21: Draw the eyes' details (Eyeball, eyelashes etc.). Linking layers will come in handy at this one. Also. use the Stroke Path option in drawing the eyelashes. Also take note that you should organize the layers here.
STEP 22: Trace the pupil's detail. Again, use the shades as your guide. Then apply the adjustment layer.
By making all the layers visible, you should have a result like this! I hope this tutorial helped you out. Thanks for viewing! (Credits to Jeremiah Cristy Bagay)