Waste Sorter (Advanced Logic Project)


Waste Sorter (Advanced Logic Project)

Recycling is the process of turning one product useful parts into a new product; this is done to conserve on the consumption of resources, energy and space used in landfills.

The researchers have come into a solution of segregating the non-biodegradable materials, and thought of ways on how these materials are separated using only their own characteristics.

After turning on the device, the loaded containers will be separated one by one. The separated container will now  pass through the metal sensor, which will determine if the container is ferrous or not. If it is a ferrous material, the stopper mechanism will trigger, thus, preventing the ferrous material to go straight. While the stopper holds the ferrous material, a magnet-tipped shaft will sort the aluminum and tin cans. If it is a glass material, it will go down to the trap door right below the separating mechanism. If it is a plastic material, it will go straight right past the stopper mechanism. Switches are placed in the bins, and will trigger the counter circuit, which will display how many materials were sorted in the respective bins.

Counter Circuit

Separator Circuit

Metal Sensor Circuit
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